More than 1.25 billion people live in India. Although India has one of the world’s fastest growing economies, its people have significant health needs that vary widely depending on where they live and their socio-economic characteristics. Maternal and child health is of particular concern, especially in rural villages and urban slums. 

The country has made notable progress yet more than 775,000 newborns still die in India each year, and an estimated 50,000 women die from pregnancy-related causes.

IntraHealth worked in India for 20 years, partnering with national and state governments and other organizations to strengthen the health workforce in order to increase access to high-quality maternal, child, and reproductive health and nutrition services.

    Key Results

    health facility icon Tripled the number of women delivering at lower-level facilities in Jharkhand.
    orange cross Improved the quality of care offered by more than 40,000 essential frontline health workers.
    nurse icon Trained 1,500 nurses and midwives in skilled birth attendance, expanding safe delivery care to 10 million people.

    Featured Initiatives

    Selected Achievements

    Improved the quality of care offered by more than 40,000 essential frontline health workers—including community health workers called ASHAs, and community-based auxiliary nurse midwives (ANMs) in India.
    Improved the health of mothers and babies throughout rural India through technology and training for community-based midwives and accredited social health activists.
    Developed mSakhi, an award-winning mobile phone application and job aid that helps frontline health workers more effectively communicate with pregnant women and mothers, ensuring improved maternal, newborn, and child health services.
    Deployed nutrition advisors in India to work across sectors and serve as a bridge between the community and government departments and services.
    Helped state leaders in India manage their health workforces by establishing human resources information systems (HRIS) using IntraHealth’s iHRIS software. Leaders are using the data to increase access to maternal health services.
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